keywords: Houdini Digital Asset, HDA, UnrealEngine Plugin

How to save (export) HDA file

Select target network and right click: Digital Asset -> Save As.

How to edit HDA parameters

1, Select target network:

2, Then click: Assets -> Edit Asset Properties:

3, Then switch to Parameters table panel.

4, Drag the target parameter from node to Parameters table panel.

Or Drag an empty parameter from the Create Parameters panel. Drag the target parameter from node to Parameters table panel.

Then invoke the parameter using chi (int), chf (float), chs (string) function in node:

5, Then select target network again, and save HDA file: Assets -> Save Asset:

How to bake in Unreal Engine using HDA file.

1, Install HoudiniEngine for Unreal:
Select your target version first:

if use Vertex Animation Textures, you also need to intall SideFX_Labs plugin in your game project.

2, Import HDA into Unreal Editor.

3, Drag HDA asset into level, then you can edit the parameters which were added in Houdini editor:

If you can find these customized parameters, you need restart session:

Build your project using source building engine, otherwise UnrealEngine Session can’t be connected.

How to convert Houdini Asset Actor to Static Mesh Actor

Click Bake Actor on HoudiniAssetActor:

Then Houdini Asset Actor bake into StaticMeshActor:
Then address to the directory of static mesh asset:


Subnetwork under Obj

Create Subnet under Obj node:

Subnetwork under Geo

Create Subnet under Geo node:

Subnet Digital Asset

Create Subnet from selection:

Peace replaces extreme evil. -Chinese Proverbs