keyword: IntelliJ Shortcuts, Rider for Unreal Engine, Resharper, Keymaps, Hotkey


Ctrl + F8 : Create or remove breakpoint.
Alt + Left Click : Enable / Disable breakpoint.
Ctrl + Alt + Up / Down : Jump forward or backward in callstack.
Ctrl + Alt + F5 : Attach to Process.

Ctrl + Shift + M : Navigate between the start and end of a code block.
Ctrl + Alt + [ or Ctrl + Alt + [ : Switch window between mulitple Intellij project.
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace : Last Edit Location.


Ctrl + W : Select current word.
Ctrl + W, Ctrl + W : Select content in current braces.
Ctrl + W, Ctrl + W, Ctrl + W, ... : Select code block with scope expanding.
Shift + F4 : Open source in new window.
Ctrl + - : Collapse
Ctrl + + : Expand
Ctrl + Shift + - : Collapse All
Ctrl + Shift + + : Expand All


Win + Space + Left / Right : Move viewport to left or right.

Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship...the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth. ― Peter Drucker