Keywords: English, Linking, Connect Words in Spoken English

Linking Pattern

Pattern 1: Unvoiced Consonant -> Voiced Consonant

Sometimes a word ends in t, but is actually pronounced d, same as s and f:

  • t -> d
  • s -> z
  • f -> v

Rule 1: TT becomes DD in the middle of a word, unless the vowel before the TT is schwa([ə]).
Examples: Better, butter, shatter, batter, mutter, mettle.
Exceptions: Mattel, attest, attack.

Rule 2: S becomes Z when preceded by a voiced syllable or the word is made plural using es.
Examples: Rides, ladies, bridges, bugs, angels, misses.
Words ending with the ts sound are always unvoiced. Examples: Hats, hates.

Rule 3: T becomes a tap in the middle of a word.
Examples: Gated, lateral, notable, water.

Rule 4: Of is pronounced [ov] or [uh].
Examples: Game of Thrones, Bottle of water, Cup of tea,

Pattern 2: Consonant + Vowel

If the first word ends in a consonant, and the second word begins with a vowel, the consonant will generally blend into the vowel of the second word. This process is called blending. And is an extremely fundamental concept in linking.


Formal Linking
Can I have this? Ca(n)I have this?
And I think you’re right. An(d)I think you’(r)ight.
How’s it going? How(z)it going?
Can a cat climb trees? Ca(n)a cat climb treez?
Pattern 3: Consonant + Consonant

Rule 1: When the consonants are the same, hold the sound slightly longer(Applies to S, L, F, M, N, D, J, W, H, V, Z).
Examples: This Saturday, Until later, Half finished.

Rule 2: When the consonants are the same, break very briefly between the two sounds(Applies to T, P, K, B, G, C).
Examples: Wet towel, Big game, Gag gift, Black cat.

Pattern 4: Linking “the”

Rule 1: The + consonant. When the is followed by a word that begins with a consonant, it’s pronounced the(schwa [ə]).
Examples: The dog, the cat, the woman.

Rule 2: The + vowel(except long e). When the is followed by a word that begins with a vowel that is not long E, it can be pronounced either the(schwa) or the([ee]).
Examples: The otter, the interesting things, the apple.

Rule 3: The + vowel(long e). When the is followed by a word that begins with a long E vowel, it’s pronounced the([ee]).
Examples: The election, the evil spirit, the eagle.

Note that the is NEVER pronounced [ze] or [le], these’re both common mistakes made by non-native speakers.

Pattern 5: Vowel + vowel

When two vowels come together in linking, sometimes the sparks fly, and they create an entirely new sound between them.

Rule 1: [ee], [ih], [ay], [aye], [oi] + vowel = [y] sound in the middle. When the vowels [ee], [ih], [ay], [aye], [oi] are followed by a vowel in the second word, a [y] sound is inserted in order to smooth over the transition.

  • He is happy. = He(y)iz happy.
  • She ate a burger. = She(y)ate a burger.
  • That boy is hungry. = That bo(y)is hungry.
  • I ate lunch. = I(y)ate lunch.

Rule 2: [ooh], [oh], [ow] + vowel. When the vowels [ooh], [oh] and [ow] are followed by a vowel in the second word. a w sound is inserted in order to link them.

  • Go in = Go(w)in.
  • Do it = Do(w)it.
  • You are = You(w)are.
  • Go out = Go(w)out.
  • How are you? = Ho(w)are you?
Pattern 6: Deletion

Rule 1: H-deletion. Example: Did he get it?[DI-diy GE-dit].

  • he -> [iy]
  • him -> [lm]
  • his -> [lz]
  • her -> [ɜr]
  • has -> [æz]
  • have -> [æv]

Rule 2: Whenever [t] or [d] comes between consonants, the get deleted.

  • Old man -> Ol man.
  • Gold ring -> Gol ring.
  • Most famous -> Mos’ famous.
  • Hand bag -> Han’ bag.
  • Next day -> Nex’ day.
  • World religion -> Worl’ religion.
Pattern 7: Transformation (assimilation)

Rule 1: When [t] is followed by [j], it becomes [tj].
Example: What do you want -> watchu want?

Note:Talking in this way will sound more native, but also slightly uneducated.

Rule 2: When [d] is followed by [j], it becomes [dj].
Example: Would you -> Wouldju.

WBD OPEN: 7 rules you should know in Linking


Video Tutorials

WBD OPEN: 7 rules you should know in Linking

How to Improve Spoken American English - Sound like a Native Speaker

Sound more FLUENT and NATURAL with LINKING: How to Connect Words in Spoken English

American English Pronunciation eBook

Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people, before you meet the right one,so when it happens you'll be thankful.― Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez