[UE4]物体跟随Spline路径移动(Move Along Spline Path)
keywords: [UE4]物体跟随Spline路径移动(Move Along Spline Path)
先建一个普通的Actor蓝图,然后再蓝图中添加Spline Component(注意:不是Spline Mesh Component)
然后编辑路径,如果要添加新节点,右键路径 -》 Add Spline Point Here。
将Spline 曲线打直(Turn Splines curves into straight Spline paths)
选中需要打直的曲线,在Detail面板中找到:Selected Points -》 Type,修改为Linear,默认为Curve。
Getting any actor to automatically and smoothly follow a spline in UE5
Follow A Spline And Report Distance Along It Using An Actor Component
君子和而不同,小人同而不和。 ----《论语》