[Maya]Rigging 14 - Space Swapping
Keywords: Animation, Maya Rigging, Controller, Pole Vector, Space Swapping, IK Controller
Maya Rigging series of articles:
- [Maya]Rigging Overview
- [Maya]Rigging 01 - Joint
- [Maya]Rigging 02 - Skinning
- [Maya]Rigging 03 - Visualization
- [Maya]Rigging 04 - Controller
- [Maya]Rigging 05 - Attributes
- [Maya]Rigging 06 - Foundations of IK
- [Maya]Rigging 07 - Advanced IK
- [Maya]Rigging 08 - IK FK Switch
- [Maya]Rigging 09 - Spine FK
- [Maya]Rigging 10 - Spine IK
- [Maya]Rigging 11 - Neck and Head
- [Maya]Rigging 12 - Limbs FK
- [Maya]Rigging 13 - Limbs IK
- [Maya]Rigging 14 - Space Swapping
- [Maya]Rigging 15 - Arm Twist
- [Maya]Rigging 16 - Common Tricks
Space Swapping - Pole Vector Controller
1, Create a locator named swappos_arm_ik_l.
2, Match Transformations from swappos_arm_ik_l to the Pole Vector controller (ctrl_arm_pv_l).
3, Parent locator swappos_arm_ik_l to the arm IK controller (ctrl_arm_ik_l).
4, Don’t forget optimize the Offset Parent Matrix of swappos_arm_ik_l.
5, Build the driven process for ctrl_arm_pv_l.
the blendMatrix isn’t the required node in current step, we will use this node later.
6, When rotate the root controller, the ctrl_arm_pv_l moved to the wrong position.
Blend the root controller transformation using multMatrix node.
7, Create attribute named Follow in ctrl_arm_pv_l.
8, Build the driven process for the switch Follow.
9, When switch to the World Space, the ctrl_arm_pv_l moved to the wrong position.
Solution: Connect swappos_arm_ik_l to the blendMatrix node, then disconnect it, then the transfromation of swappos_arm_ik_l was remained in.
Space Swapping - Hand IK Controller
1, Create a switch named Follow in hand IK controller ctrl_arm_ik_l.
2, Create 3 locators: swappos_torso_l, swappos_hip_l and swappos_clavicle_l.
3, Match Transformations from these 3 locators to the ctrl_arm_ik_l.
4, Parent these 3 locators to ctrl_torso, ctrl_hip_ik and ctrl_arm_root_l. (hotkey: P).
5, Build the driven process.
Connect ctrl_arm_ik_l to the blendMatrix node, then disconnect it to remain transformation value into the blendMatrix node.
Build the drive process for legs likes above.
Realtime Creature Rigging Workshop (14 / 19) : Space swapping