Keywords: Maya, Rig Control Curve, Control Rig, Cascaded IK, Constraints

Maya Rigging series of articles:

Asset mentioned in articles: UE5 Rig

In the previous article [Maya]Rigging 06 - Foundations of IK we have explained basic IK concepts, now we talk about the advanced IK usage, take the leg IK as an example.

Cascaded IK with Constraints

1, Duplicate left leg joints.

Then rename joint name in batch.

2, Create Controls for IK handle.

Move the Control to target joint.
Then adjust the rotation of Control.

3, Create a new Control for Pole Vector.

Adjust the hierarchy to Controls.

4, Create IK Handle for foot joint and ball joint.

5, Create constraint to foot control and foot IK handle.

6, Create constraint to ball control and ball IK handle.

7, Create constraint to ball control and foot IK handle.

Now you can drive the IK using controls.

8, Create pole vector to foot IK handle.

Now you will see the Pole Vector attributes have been flagged with cyan brick.
Finally you can drive the IK of knee in horizontal direction.


Character Rigging in Maya! Episode 6 - Creating the IK Hand Controls
Character Rigging in Maya! Episode 7 - Creating the IK Leg Controls

CGTip | How Do I Build a Quadruped Rig?
