[UE4]PackagingResults Error Bad name index
Keywords: Cook failed, Valid Assets
You can find the asset causing this by building the engine from source and adding breakpoints in these two place
Package Error
PackagingResults: Error: Bad name index -1/47
Solution 1
You can find the asset causing this by building the engine from source and adding breakpoints in these two place:
void FLinkerLoad::BadNameIndexError(NAME_INDEX NameIndex)
UE_LOG(LogLinker, Error, TEXT("Bad name index %i/%i"), NameIndex, NameMap.Num());
FArchive& FPackageReader::operator<<( FName& Name )
FArchive& Ar = *this;
Ar << NameIndex;
if( !NameMap.IsValidIndex(NameIndex) )
UE_LOG(LogAssetRegistry, Fatal, TEXT("Bad name index %i/%i"), NameIndex, NameMap.Num() );
// if the name wasn't loaded (because it wasn't valid in this context)
if (NameMap[NameIndex] == NAME_None)
int32 TempNumber;
Ar << TempNumber;
Name = NAME_None;
int32 Number;
Ar << Number;
// simply create the name from the NameMap's name and the serialized instance number
Name = FName(NameMap[NameIndex], Number);
return *this;
What does “bad name index -1/43” error mean in the context of a failed packaging attempt? https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/796763/what-does-bad-name-index-143-error-mean-in-the-con.html
Solution 2
Change Cooker Progress Display Mode
to Names and Remaining Packages
in Project Setttings -> Engine -> Cooker.
than see the files name around the Error: Bad name index
, check these files if is invaild.