File path:


IMPLEMENT_MODULE( FCoreModule, Core );

    Global variables.

CORE_API FFeedbackContext*    GWarn                        = nullptr;        /* User interaction and non critical warnings */
FConfigCacheIni*                GConfig                        = nullptr;        /* Configuration database cache */
ITransaction*                GUndo                        = nullptr;        /* Transaction tracker, non-NULL when a transaction is in progress */
FOutputDeviceConsole*        GLogConsole                    = nullptr;        /* Console log hook */
CORE_API FMalloc*            GMalloc                        = nullptr;        /* Memory allocator */
CORE_API FMalloc**            GFixedMallocLocationPtr = nullptr;        /* Memory allocator pointer location when PLATFORM_USES_FIXED_GMalloc_CLASS is true */

class UPropertyWindowManager*    GPropertyWindowManager    = nullptr;        /* Manages and tracks property editing windows */

/** For building call stack text dump in guard/unguard mechanism. */
TCHAR GErrorHist[16384]    = TEXT("");

/** For building exception description text dump in guard/unguard mechanism. */
TCHAR GErrorExceptionDescription[4096] = TEXT( "" );

/** The error message, can be assertion message, ensure message or message from the fatal error. */
TCHAR GErrorMessage[4096] = TEXT( "" );

CORE_API const FText GYes    = LOCTEXT("Yes",    "Yes");
CORE_API const FText GNo    = LOCTEXT("No",        "No");
CORE_API const FText GTrue    = LOCTEXT("True",    "True");
CORE_API const FText GFalse    = LOCTEXT("False",    "False");
CORE_API const FText GNone    = LOCTEXT("None",    "None");

/** If true, this executable is able to run all games (which are loaded as DLL's) **/
    // In monolithic builds, implemented by the IMPLEMENT_GAME_MODULE macro or by UE4Game module.
        bool GIsGameAgnosticExe = true;
    // In monolithic Editor builds, implemented by the IMPLEMENT_GAME_MODULE macro or by UE4Game module.
        // Otherwise only modular editors are game agnostic.
            bool GIsGameAgnosticExe = false;
            bool GIsGameAgnosticExe = true;
    #endif //!IS_MONOLITHIC || !UE_EDITOR

/** When saving out of the game, this override allows the game to load editor only properties **/
bool GForceLoadEditorOnly = false;

/** Name of the core package                    **/
FName GLongCorePackageName(TEXT("/Script/Core"));
/** Name of the core package                    **/
FName GLongCoreUObjectPackageName(TEXT("/Script/CoreUObject"));

/** Disable loading of objects not contained within script files; used during script compilation */
bool GVerifyObjectReferencesOnly = false;

/** when constructing objects, use the fast path on consoles... */
bool GFastPathUniqueNameGeneration = false;

/** allow AActor object to execute script in the editor from specific entry points, such as when running a construction script */
bool GAllowActorScriptExecutionInEditor = false;

/** Forces use of template names for newly instanced components in a CDO */
bool GCompilingBlueprint = false;

/** True if we're reconstructing blueprint instances. Should never be true on cooked builds */
bool GIsReconstructingBlueprintInstances = false;

/** True if actors and objects are being re-instanced. */
bool GIsReinstancing = false;

 * If true, we are running an editor script that should not prompt any dialog modal. The default value of any model will be used.
 * This is used when running a Blutility or script like Python and we don't want an OK dialog to pop while the script is running.
 * Could be set for commandlet with -RUNNINGUNATTENDEDSCRIPT
bool GIsRunningUnattendedScript = false;

bool                    PRIVATE_GIsRunningCommandlet        = false;                /** Whether this executable is running a commandlet (custom command-line processing code) */
bool                    PRIVATE_GAllowCommandletRendering    = false;                /** If true, initialise RHI and set up scene for rendering even when running a commandlet. */
bool                    PRIVATE_GAllowCommandletAudio         = false;                /** If true, allow audio even when running a commandlet. */
#endif    // WITH_ENGINE

bool                    GIsEditor                        = false;                    /* Whether engine was launched for editing */
bool                    GIsImportingT3D                    = false;                    /* Whether editor is importing T3D */
bool                    GIsUCCMakeStandaloneHeaderGenerator = false;                /* Are we rebuilding script via the standalone header generator? */
bool                    GIsTransacting                    = false;                    /* true if there is an undo/redo operation in progress. */
bool                    GIntraFrameDebuggingGameThread    = false;                    /* Indicates that the game thread is currently paused deep in a call stack; do not process any game thread tasks */
bool                    GFirstFrameIntraFrameDebugging    = false;                    /* Indicates that we're currently processing the first frame of intra-frame debugging */
// These are always false during 'non-editor code analysis', just like they would be when #defined.
bool                    GIsEditor                        = false;
bool                    GIsUCCMakeStandaloneHeaderGenerator = false;
bool                    GIntraFrameDebuggingGameThread    = false;
bool                    GFirstFrameIntraFrameDebugging    = false;

bool                    GEdSelectionLock                = false;                    /* Are selections locked? (you can't select/deselect additional actors) */
bool                    GIsClient                        = false;                    /* Whether engine was launched as a client */
bool                    GIsServer                        = false;                    /* Whether engine was launched as a server, true if GIsClient */
bool                    GIsCriticalError                = false;                    /* An appError() has occured */
bool                    GIsGuarded                        = false;                    /* Whether execution is happening within main()/WinMain()'s try/catch handler */
TSAN_ATOMIC(bool)        GIsRunning(false);                                            /* Whether execution is happening within MainLoop() */
bool                    GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing = false;                    /* Whether we are currently using SDO on a UClass or CDO for live reinstancing */
/** This specifies whether the engine was launched as a build machine process                                */
bool                    GIsBuildMachine                    = false;
/** This determines if we should output any log text.  If Yes then no log text should be emitted.            */
bool                    GIsSilent                        = false;
bool                    GIsSlowTask                        = false;                    /* Whether there is a slow task in progress */
bool                    GSlowTaskOccurred                = false;                    /* Whether a slow task began last tick*/
bool                    GIsRequestingExit                = false;                    /* Indicates that MainLoop() should be exited at the end of the current iteration */
/** Archive for serializing arbitrary data to and from memory                                                */
bool                    GAreScreenMessagesEnabled        = true;                        /* Whether onscreen warnings/messages are enabled */
bool                    GScreenMessagesRestoreState        = false;                    /* Used to restore state after a screenshot */
int32                    GIsDumpingMovie                    = 0;                        /* Whether we are dumping screenshots (!= 0), exposed as console variable r.DumpingMovie */
bool                    GIsHighResScreenshot            = false;                    /* Whether we're capturing a high resolution shot */
uint32                    GScreenshotResolutionX            = 0;                        /* X Resolution for high res shots */
uint32                    GScreenshotResolutionY            = 0;                        /* Y Resolution for high res shots */
uint64                    GMakeCacheIDIndex                = 0;                        /* Cache ID */

FString                GEngineIni;                                                    /* Engine ini filename */

/** Editor ini file locations - stored per engine version (shared across all projects). Migrated between versions on first run. */
FString                GEditorIni;                                                    /* Editor ini filename */
FString                GEditorKeyBindingsIni;                                        /* Editor Key Bindings ini file */
FString                GEditorLayoutIni;                                            /* Editor UI Layout ini filename */
FString                GEditorSettingsIni;                                            /* Editor Settings ini filename */

/** Editor per-project ini files - stored per project. */
FString                GEditorPerProjectIni;                                        /* Editor User Settings ini filename */

FString                GCompatIni;
FString                GLightmassIni;                                                /* Lightmass settings ini filename */
FString                GScalabilityIni;                                            /* Scalability settings ini filename */
FString                GHardwareIni;                                                /* Hardware ini filename */
FString                GInputIni;                                                    /* Input ini filename */
FString                GGameIni;                                                    /* Game ini filename */
FString                GGameUserSettingsIni;                                        /* User Game Settings ini filename */

float                    GNearClippingPlane                = 10.0f;                /* Near clipping plane */

bool                    GExitPurge                        = false;

FChunkedFixedUObjectArray* GCoreObjectArrayForDebugVisualizers = nullptr;
FNameEntry*** CORE_API GFNameTableForDebuggerVisualizers_MT = FName::GetNameTableForDebuggerVisualizers_MT();
FChunkedFixedUObjectArray*& CORE_API GObjectArrayForDebugVisualizers = GCoreObjectArrayForDebugVisualizers;

/** Game name, used for base game directory and ini among other things                                        */
// In modular game builds, the game name will be set when the application launches
TCHAR                    GInternalProjectName[64]                    = TEXT("None");
// In non-monolithic programs builds, the game name will be set by the module, but not just yet, so we need to NOT initialize it!
TCHAR                    GInternalProjectName[64];
// For monolithic builds, the game name variable definition will be set by the IMPLEMENT_GAME_MODULE
// macro for the game's main game module.

// Foreign engine directory. This is required to projects built outside the engine root to reference their engine directory.

/** A function that does nothing. Allows for a default behavior for callback function pointers. */
static void appNoop()

/** Exec handler for game debugging tool, allowing commands like "editactor", ...                            */
FExec*                    GDebugToolExec                    = NULL;
/** Whether we're currently in the async loading codepath or not                                            */
static bool IsAsyncLoadingCoreInternal()
    // No Async loading in Core
    return false;
bool (*IsAsyncLoading)() = &IsAsyncLoadingCoreInternal;
void (*SuspendAsyncLoading)() = &appNoop;
void (*ResumeAsyncLoading)() = &appNoop;
bool (*IsAsyncLoadingSuspended)() = &IsAsyncLoadingCoreInternal;
bool (*IsAsyncLoadingMultithreaded)() = &IsAsyncLoadingCoreInternal;
void (*SuspendTextureStreamingRenderTasks)() = &appNoop;
void (*ResumeTextureStreamingRenderTasks)() = &appNoop;

/** Whether the editor is currently loading a package or not                                                */
bool                    GIsEditorLoadingPackage                = false;
/** Whether the cooker is currently loading a package or not                                                */
bool                    GIsCookerLoadingPackage = false;
/** Whether GWorld points to the play in editor world                                                        */
bool                    GIsPlayInEditorWorld            = false;
/** Unique ID for multiple PIE instances running in one process */
int32                    GPlayInEditorID                    = -1;
/** Whether or not PIE was attempting to play from PlayerStart                            */
bool                    GIsPIEUsingPlayerStart            = false;
/** true if the runtime needs textures to be powers of two                                                    */
bool                    GPlatformNeedsPowerOfTwoTextures = false;
/** Time at which FPlatformTime::Seconds() was first initialized (before main)                                            */
double                    GStartTime                        = FPlatformTime::InitTiming();
/** System time at engine init.                                                                                */
FString                    GSystemStartTime;
/** Whether we are still in the initial loading proces.                                                        */
bool                    GIsInitialLoad                    = true;
/* Whether we are using the event driven loader */
bool                    GEventDrivenLoaderEnabled = false;

/** Steadily increasing frame counter.                                                                        */
TSAN_ATOMIC(uint64)        GFrameCounter(0);
uint64                    GLastGCFrame                    = 0;
/** Incremented once per frame before the scene is being rendered. In split screen mode this is incremented once for all views (not for each view). */
uint32                    GFrameNumber                    = 1;
/** NEED TO RENAME, for RT version of GFrameTime use View.ViewFamily->FrameNumber or pass down from RT from GFrameTime). */
uint32                    GFrameNumberRenderThread        = 1;
// We cannot count on this variable to be accurate in a shipped game, so make sure no code tries to use it
/** Whether we are the first instance of the game running.                                                    */
bool                    GIsFirstInstance                = true;
/** Threshold for a frame to be considered a hitch (in milliseconds). */
float GHitchThresholdMS = 60.0f;
/** Size to break up data into when saving compressed data                                                    */
int32                    GSavingCompressionChunkSize        = SAVING_COMPRESSION_CHUNK_SIZE;
/** Thread ID of the main/game thread                                                                        */
uint32                    GGameThreadId                    = 0;
uint32                    GRenderThreadId                    = 0;
uint32                    GSlateLoadingThreadId            = 0;
uint32                    GAudioThreadId                    = 0;
/** Has GGameThreadId been set yet?                                                                            */
bool                    GIsGameThreadIdInitialized        = false;

/** Helper function to flush resource streaming.                                                            */
void                    (*GFlushStreamingFunc)(void)      = &appNoop;
/** Whether to emit begin/ end draw events.                                                                    */
bool                    GEmitDrawEvents                    = false;
/** Whether forward DrawEvents to the RHI or keep them only on the Commandlist. */
bool                    GCommandListOnlyDrawEvents        = false;
/** Whether we want the rendering thread to be suspended, used e.g. for tracing.                            */
bool                    GShouldSuspendRenderingThread    = false;
/** Determines what kind of trace should occur, NAME_None for none.                                            */
FName                    GCurrentTraceName                = NAME_None;
/** How to print the time in log output                                                                        */
ELogTimes::Type            GPrintLogTimes                    = ELogTimes::None;
/** How to print the category in log output. */
bool                    GPrintLogCategory = true;
/** How to print the verbosity in log output. */
bool                    GPrintLogVerbosity = true;

bool                GHitchDetected = false;

/** Whether stats should emit named events for e.g. PIX.                                                    */
int32                    GCycleStatsShouldEmitNamedEvents = 0;
/** Disables some warnings and minor features that would interrupt a demo presentation                        */
bool                    GIsDemoMode                        = false;
/** Whether or not a unit test is currently being run                                                        */
bool                    GIsAutomationTesting                    = false;
/** Whether or not messages are being pumped outside of the main loop                                        */
bool                    GPumpingMessagesOutsideOfMainLoop = false;

/** Enables various editor and HMD hacks that allow the experimental VR editor feature to work, perhaps at the expense of other systems */
bool                    GEnableVREditorHacks = false;

bool CORE_API            GIsGPUCrashed = false;

bool GetEmitDrawEvents()
    return GEmitDrawEvents;

void CORE_API SetEmitDrawEvents(bool EmitDrawEvents)
    GEmitDrawEvents = EmitDrawEvents;
    GCommandListOnlyDrawEvents = !GEmitDrawEvents;

void CORE_API EnableEmitDrawEventsOnlyOnCommandlist()
    GCommandListOnlyDrawEvents = !GEmitDrawEvents;
    GEmitDrawEvents = true;

void ToggleGDebugPUCrashedFlag(const TArray<FString>& Args)
    GIsGPUCrashed = !GIsGPUCrashed;
    UE_LOG(LogCore, Log, TEXT("Gpu crashed flag forcibly set to: %i"), GIsGPUCrashed ? 1 : 0);

FAutoConsoleCommand ToggleDebugGPUCrashedCmd(
    TEXT("Forcibly toggles the 'GPU Crashed' flag for testing crash analytics."),
How to check if game is running

1st way:

#include "Editor.h"

bool UVCamBlueprintFunctionLibrary::IsGameRunning()
    return (GEditor && GEditor->IsPlaySessionInProgress());
    return true;


2nd way:

static bool IsGameRunning(UObject* Object)
        return false;
    if (auto world = Object->GetWorld())
        return world->WorldType == EWorldType::Game || world->WorldType == EWorldType::PIE;

    return false;


3rd way:
Global function:IsRunningGame(). But its return value isn’t correct on game beginning.
