Keywords: Destructible Mesh

Building Destructible Mesh
  1. Add configuration for ApexDestruction in *.uproject, then restart Editor.

  2. Right target mesh -> Create Destructible Mesh.

    Then Destructible Mesh would be generated:

  3. Open Destructible Mesh then modify parameters, then click Fracture Mesh.

    Then you can preview the structure of Destructible Mesh.

Take Damage

Take damage, destruct mesh if damage is enough:

// Take damage
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Components|Destructible")
virtual void UDestructibleComponent::ApplyDamage(float DamageAmount, const FVector& HitLocation, const FVector& ImpulseDir, float ImpulseStrength) override;

// Take radius damage
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Components|Destructible")
virtual void UDestructibleComponent::ApplyRadiusDamage(float BaseDamage, const FVector& HurtOrigin, float DamageRadius, float ImpulseStrength, bool bFullDamage) override;

[SOLVED] Destructible mesh-can’t even fracture mesh
UE4. How to fix Fracture Mesh (APEX destruction) not working in UE 4.24.x


Destructible Troubleshooting Guide
