keywords: Substance Painter, Unreal Engine, Blender, UE4, Material, Steel Painted Scraped Dirty.

Basic Unreal Material Workflow

1, New a project in Blender, and press Shift + A to create a sample mesh.

2, Adjust Subdivision Surface for mesh.


3, Smooth the mesh.


4, Export the mesh as FBX file.

5, New a project in Substance Painter (Ctrl + N), and import the previous FBX file.

6, Bake mesh maps (F8):

Click Bake selected textures:
Then click Return to painting mode:

7, Select a smart material and drag it to the mesh.


8, You can adjust the smart material parameters if necessary:

9, Export textures

exported texture assets:

10, Import mesh into Unreal Engine.

11, Import textures into Unreal Engine. And uncheck sRGB on _OcclusionRoughnessMetallic texutre:

Turn off sRGB means disabling gamma correction on a texture.

sRGB will have been unchecked automatically when import normal maps since UE4Editor can identify the texture format.

sRGB or RGB - Reddit
sRGB only for BaseColor and Emissive (if using colored texture and not greyscale).
If not sure, tick and untick and compare in unlit mode which one looks more correct.

12, New a material in Unreal Editor.

drag these three textures into shader graph, and connect the pins as follows:
You will find that the _OcclusionRoughnessMetallic texture’s Sampler Type was set as Linear Color automatically, since texture’s sRGB was unchecked.

If sRGB was disabled in OcclusionRoughnessMetallic texture, some details such as worn edges will lose.

13, Set the material slot on mesh.

Final result:

Unreal Layered Material (Paragon Material Layer Workflow)

Material Layering Systems in Unreal; What are they? And why you should use them? | #SDC23

Substance Painter to Unreal - Layered Material Workflow
