[UE4]Linear Algebra & Plane Geometry API
keywords: [UE4]Linear Algebra & Plane Geometry API
keywords:UE4、Linear Algebra、Plane Geometry、线性代数、解析几何
FBox2D::IsInside(const FVector2D& TestPoint)
FBox::IsInside(const FVector& TestPoint)
FIntRect::Contains( FIntPoint P )
计算两个向量的夹角(Get an angle between 2 Vectors),范围:(0, 180)
float AimAtAngle = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(acosf(FVector::DotProduct(PlayerDirection, MouseDirection)));
参考:How to get an angle between 2 Vectors?
计算方向向量与空间坐标轴(X、Y、Z)的夹角,范围:(-180, 180)
FRotator Rot = UKismetMathLibrary::MakeRotFromX(TestVector);
float Angle = Rot.Yaw; //(-180, 180)
//-180到0表示 ActorA 在 ActorB 左边,0到180表示 ActorA 在 ActorB 右边
float CalculateDirecton(const AActor* ActorA, const AActor* ActorB)
FVector TestDire = ActorA->GetActorLocation() - ActorB->GetActorLocation();
FMatrix RotMatrix = FRotationMatrix(ActorB->GetActorRotation());
FVector ForwardVector = RotMatrix.GetScaledAxis(EAxis::X);
FVector RightVector = RotMatrix.GetScaledAxis(EAxis::Y);
FVector NormalizedVel = TestDire.GetSafeNormal2D();
// get a cos(alpha) of forward vector vs velocity
float ForwardCosAngle = FVector::DotProduct(ForwardVector, NormalizedVel);
// now get the alpha and convert to degree
float ForwardDeltaDegree = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(FMath::Acos(ForwardCosAngle));
// depending on where right vector is, flip it
float RightCosAngle = FVector::DotProduct(RightVector, NormalizedVel);
if (RightCosAngle < 0)
ForwardDeltaDegree *= -1;
return ForwardDeltaDegree;
计算方向向量 InDirection 相对 ReferenceFrame 的方位俯仰角(Azimuth-Elevation)
void UKismetMathLibrary::GetAzimuthAndElevation(FVector InDirection, const FTransform& ReferenceFrame, float& Azimuth, float& Elevation);
FVector FMath::GetReflectionVector(const FVector& Direction, const FVector& SurfaceNormal);
根据地面的法线向量、Right方向向量、Up向量向量,计算出斜坡的 Roll 和 Pitch 方向的角度
void UKismetMathLibrary::GetSlopeDegreeAngles(const FVector& MyRightYAxis, const FVector& FloorNormal, const FVector& UpVector,
float& OutSlopePitchDegreeAngle, float& OutSlopeRollDegreeAngle);
FVector UKismetMathLibrary::FindClosestPointOnLine(FVector Point, FVector LineOrigin, FVector LineDirection);
bool UKismetMathLibrary::LinePlaneIntersection(const FVector& LineStart, const FVector& LineEnd,
const FPlane& APlane, float& T, FVector& Intersection);
FVector UKismetMathLibrary::ProjectPointOnToPlane(FVector Point, FVector PlaneBase, FVector PlaneNormal);
//Returns closest point on a segment to a given point.
FVector FMath::ClosestPointOnSegment(const FVector &Point, const FVector &StartPoint, const FVector &EndPoint);
//Returns square of the distance from a point to the closest point on a segment.
float FMath::PointDistToSegmentSquared(const FVector &Point, const FVector &StartPoint, const FVector &EndPoint);
* Projects 2D components of vector based on Z.
* @return Projected version of vector based on Z.
FVector Projection() const;
FVector UKismetMathLibrary::ProjectVectorOnToPlane(FVector V, FVector PlaneNormal);
FVector FVector::VectorPlaneProject(const FVector& V, const FVector& PlaneNormal);
FVector GetVectorArrayAverage(const TArray<FVector>& Vectors);
获取反向方向 / 获取A向量相对B向量的镜像向量
* Given a direction vector and a surface normal, returns the vector reflected across the surface normal.
* Produces a result like shining a laser at a mirror!
* @param Direction Direction vector the ray is coming from.
* @param SurfaceNormal A normal of the surface the ray should be reflected on.
* @returns Reflected vector.
static CORE_API FVector GetReflectionVector(const FVector& Direction, const FVector& SurfaceNormal);
FMatrix RotMatrix = FRotationMatrix(ActorB->GetActorRotation());
FVector ForwardVector = RotMatrix.GetScaledAxis(EAxis::X);
FVector RightVector = RotMatrix.GetScaledAxis(EAxis::Y);
FVector TopVector = RotMatrix.GetScaledAxis(EAxis::Z);
FVector FMatrix::GetUnitAxis( EAxis::Type InAxis ) const
FRotator TestRot(450.f, 45.f, 0.f);
FVector OutX;
FVector OutY;
FVector OutZ;
UKismetMathLibrary::GetAxes(TestRot, OutX, OutY, OutZ);
FVector VecFwd = UKismetMathLibrary::GetForwardVector(TestRot);
FVector VecRight = UKismetMathLibrary::GetRightVector(TestRot);
FVector VecUp = UKismetMathLibrary::GetUpVector(TestRot);
FRotator Rot(45.f, 45.f, 0);
FVector Velocity(90.f, 90.f, 0);
FVector VeclocityInNewDire = Rot.UnrotateVector(Velocity);
float ForwardSpeed = VeclocityInNewDire.X;
float RightSpeed = VeclocityInNewDire.Y;
FVector Direction(1.f, 1.f, 0.f);
FVector BaseDire(0, -1.f, 0.f);
FVector OffsetDire = BaseDire.Rotation().UnrotateVector(Direction);
FVector UKismetMathLibrary::NegateVector(FVector A)
FVector Direction;
FVector InverseDire = -Direction;
使用简单弹簧模型(Spring)来 interpolate 浮点数值(范围从 Current 到 Target)
float UKismetMathLibrary::FloatSpringInterp(float Current, float Target, UPARAM(ref) FFloatSpringState& SpringState,
float Stiffness, float CriticalDampingFactor, float DeltaTime, float Mass = 1.f);
同上,数值类型为 Vector:
FVector UKismetMathLibrary::VectorSpringInterp(FVector Current, FVector Target, UPARAM(ref) FVectorSpringState& SpringState, float Stiffness, float CriticalDampingFactor, float DeltaTime, float Mass = 1.f);
Transform 插值计算:
FTransform UKismetMathLibrary::TInterpTo(const FTransform& Current, const FTransform& Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed);
Coordinate System Related
Rotation Transform
Transform rotation from World Space to Local Space:
FORCEINLINE FQuat FTransform::InverseTransformRotation(const FQuat& Q) const;
FRotator DestWorldRot(100.f, 100.f, 0.f);
FQuat QuatWorld = DestWorldRot.Quaternion();
FQuat QuatLocal = MyActor->GetComponentTransform().InverseTransformRotation(QuatWorld);
FRotator RotOffset = QuatLocal.Rotator();
Transform rotation from Local Space to World Space:
FORCEINLINE FQuat FTransform::TransformRotation(const FQuat& Q) const;
FRotator DestRotOffset(100.f, 100.f, 0.f);
FRotator DestRotInWorld = FTransform(CameraRotInWorld).TransformRotation(DestRotOffset.Quaternion()).Rotator();
Location Transform
World Space To Local Space:
FORCEINLINE FVector FTransform::InverseTransformPositionNoScale(const FVector &V) const;
Blueprint Node:
Local Space To World Space:
FORCEINLINE FVector FTransform::TransformPositionNoScale(const FVector& V) const;
If you want only to calculate the Position Offset between two points, Rotation and Scale must be set to Zero. Otherwise the offset Vector would take account of direction. e.g. use FTransform(Comp1->GetComponentLocation()).InverseTransformPosition(Loc2);
rather than Comp1->GetComponentTransform().InverseTransformPosition(Loc2);
Direction Transform
World To Local:
FORCEINLINE FVector FTransform::InverseTransformVectorNoScale(const FVector &V) const
//return the offset from Camera's World Rotation to Character's World Rotation.
FRotator ASBaseCharacter::GetAimOffsets() const
const FVector AimDirWS = GetBaseAimRotation().Vector();
const FVector AimDirLS = ActorToWorld().InverseTransformVectorNoScale(AimDirWS);
const FRotator AimRotLS = AimDirLS.Rotation();
return AimRotLS;
SBaseCharacter in EpicSurvivalGameSeries
Local To World:
FORCEINLINE FVector FTransform::TransformVectorNoScale(const FVector& V) const
If you want to calculate the Offset only between two Rotation (take no account of Location and Scale), the simplest way is to minus:FRotator Offset = R2 - R1;
, but the result need to be corrected, because degrees may less than -180 or larger than 180.
Local Space (Position, Direction or Rotation) to World Space
Transform a position:
* Transform a position by the supplied transform.
* For example, if T was an object's transform, this would transform a position from local space to world space.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Math|Transform", meta=(Keywords="location"))
static FVector UKismetMathLibrary::TransformLocation(const FTransform& T, FVector Location);
FVector FTransform::TransformPosition(const FVector& V) const;
Transform a direction vector:
* Transform a direction vector by the supplied transform - will not change its length.
* For example, if T was an object's transform, this would transform a direction from local space to world space.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Math|Transform")
static FVector UKismetMathLibrary::TransformDirection(const FTransform& T, FVector Direction);
FVector FTransform::TransformVectorNoScale(const FVector& V) const;
Transform a rotator:
* Transform a rotator by the supplied transform.
* For example, if T was an object's transform, this would transform a rotation from local space to world space.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Math|Transform")
static FRotator UKismetMathLibrary::TransformRotation(const FTransform& T, FRotator Rotation);
FQuat FTransform::TransformRotation(const FQuat& Q) const;
World Space (Position, Direction or Rotation) to Local Space
* Transform a position by the inverse of the supplied transform.
* For example, if T was an object's transform, this would transform a position from world space to local space.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Math|Transform", meta=(Keywords="location"))
static FVector UKismetMathLibrary::InverseTransformLocation(const FTransform& T, FVector Location);
FVector FTransform::InverseTransformPosition(const FVector &V) const;
* Transform a direction vector by the inverse of the supplied transform - will not change its length.
* For example, if T was an object's transform, this would transform a direction from world space to local space.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Math|Transform")
static FVector UKismetMathLibrary::InverseTransformDirection(const FTransform& T, FVector Direction);
* Transform a direction vector by the inverse of this matrix - will not take into account translation part.
* If you want to transform a surface normal (or plane) and correctly account for non-uniform scaling you should use TransformByUsingAdjointT with adjoint of matrix inverse.
FVector FTransform::InverseTransformVector(const FVector &V) const;
FVector FTransform::InverseTransformVectorNoScale(const FVector &V) const;
* Transform a rotator by the inverse of the supplied transform.
* For example, if T was an object's transform, this would transform a rotation from world space to local space.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Math|Transform")
static FRotator UKismetMathLibrary::InverseTransformRotation(const FTransform& T, FRotator Rotation);
FQuat FTransform::InverseTransformRotation(const FQuat& Q) const;
Inner of InverseTransformXXX is using UnrotateVector
Cruve Related
Bezier Cruve
* Generates a list of sample points on a Bezier curve defined by 2 points.
* @param ControlPoints Array of 4 FVectors (vert1, controlpoint1, controlpoint2, vert2).
* @param NumPoints Number of samples.
* @param OutPoints Receives the output samples.
* @return The path length.
static CORE_API float FVector::EvaluateBezier(const FVector* ControlPoints, int32 NumPoints, TArray<FVector>& OutPoints);
FVector MyControlPoints[4];
// Fill out your control points.
TArray<FVector> OutPoints;
FVector::EvaluateBezier(MyControlPoints, 2, OutPoints);
Video Tutorials
Math for Artists | Live from HQ | Inside Unreal