Keywords: UE4, Multi-Thread Notes

How to create thread

Origin: UnrealEngine official wiki

//~~~~~ Multi Threading ~~~
class FPrimeNumberWorker : public FRunnable
    /** Singleton instance, can access the thread any time via static accessor, if it is active! */
    static  FPrimeNumberWorker* Runnable;
    /** Thread to run the worker FRunnable on */
    FRunnableThread* Thread;
    /** The Data Ptr */
    TArray<uint32>* PrimeNumbers;
    /** The PC */
    AVictoryGamePlayerController* ThePC;
    /** Stop this thread? Uses Thread Safe Counter */
    FThreadSafeCounter StopTaskCounter;
    //The actual finding of prime numbers
    int32 FindNextPrimeNumber();
    int32                PrimesFoundCount;
    int32                TotalPrimesToFind;
    bool IsFinished() const
        return PrimesFoundCount >= TotalPrimesToFind;
    //~~~ Thread Core Functions ~~~
    //Constructor / Destructor
    FPrimeNumberWorker(TArray<uint32>& TheArray, const int32 IN_PrimesToFindPerTick, AVictoryGamePlayerController* IN_PC);
    virtual ~FPrimeNumberWorker();
    // Begin FRunnable interface.
    virtual bool Init();
    virtual uint32 Run();
    virtual void Stop();
    // End FRunnable interface
    /** Makes sure this thread has stopped properly */
    void EnsureCompletion();
    //~~~ Starting and Stopping Thread ~~~
        Start the thread and the worker from static (easy access)! 
        This code ensures only 1 Prime Number thread will be able to run at a time. 
        This function returns a handle to the newly started instance.
    static FPrimeNumberWorker* JoyInit(TArray<uint32>& TheArray, const int32 IN_TotalPrimesToFind, AVictoryGamePlayerController* IN_PC);
    /** Shuts down the thread. Static so it can easily be called from outside the thread context */
    static void Shutdown();
    static bool IsThreadFinished();


//Thread Worker Starts as NULL, prior to being instanced
//        This line is essential! Compiler error without it
FPrimeNumberWorker* FPrimeNumberWorker::Runnable = NULL;
FPrimeNumberWorker::FPrimeNumberWorker(TArray<uint32>& TheArray, const int32 IN_TotalPrimesToFind, AVictoryGamePlayerController* IN_PC)
    : ThePC(IN_PC)
    , TotalPrimesToFind(IN_TotalPrimesToFind)
    , StopTaskCounter(0)
    , PrimesFoundCount(0)
    //Link to where data should be stored
    PrimeNumbers = &TheArray;
    Thread = FRunnableThread::Create(this, TEXT("FPrimeNumberWorker"), 0, TPri_BelowNormal); //windows default = 8mb for thread, could specify more
    delete Thread;
    Thread = NULL;
bool FPrimeNumberWorker::Init()
    //Init the Data 
        ThePC->ClientMessage("Prime Number Thread Started!");
    return true;
uint32 FPrimeNumberWorker::Run()
    //Initial wait before starting
    //While not told to stop this thread 
    //        and not yet finished finding Prime Numbers
    while (StopTaskCounter.GetValue() == 0 && ! IsFinished())
        //Show Incremental Results in Main Game Thread!
        //    Please note you should not create, destroy, or modify UObjects here.
        //      Do those sort of things after all thread are completed.
        //      All calcs for making stuff can be done in the threads
        //         But the actual making/modifying of the UObjects should be done in main game thread.
        //prevent thread from using too many resources
    //Run FPrimeNumberWorker::Shutdown() from the timer in Game Thread that is watching
        //to see when FPrimeNumberWorker::IsThreadFinished()
    return 0;
void FPrimeNumberWorker::Stop()
FPrimeNumberWorker* FPrimeNumberWorker::JoyInit(TArray<uint32>& TheArray, const int32 IN_TotalPrimesToFind, AVictoryGamePlayerController* IN_PC)
    //Create new instance of thread if it does not exist
    //        and the platform supports multi threading!
    if (!Runnable && FPlatformProcess::SupportsMultithreading())
        Runnable = new FPrimeNumberWorker(TheArray,IN_TotalPrimesToFind,IN_PC);            
    return Runnable;
void FPrimeNumberWorker::EnsureCompletion()
void FPrimeNumberWorker::Shutdown()
    if (Runnable)
        delete Runnable;
        Runnable = NULL;
bool FPrimeNumberWorker::IsThreadFinished()
    if(Runnable) return Runnable->IsFinished();
    return true;
int32 FPrimeNumberWorker::FindNextPrimeNumber()
    //Last known prime number  + 1
    int32 TestPrime = PrimeNumbers->Last();
    bool NumIsPrime = false;
    while( ! NumIsPrime)
        NumIsPrime = true;
        //Try Next Number
        //Modulus from 2 to current number - 1 
        for(int32 b = 2; b < TestPrime; b++)
            //prevent thread from using too many resources
            if(TestPrime % b == 0) 
                NumIsPrime = false;
    return TestPrime;

Start thread:

//player controller .cpp
//Multi-threading, returns handle that could be cached.
//        use static function FPrimeNumberWorker::Shutdown() if necessary
FPrimeNumberWorker::JoyInit(PrimeNumbers, 50000, this);

Stop thread:

void FPrimeNumberWorker::EnsureCompletion()  
How to get current thread name
uint32 ThreadId = FPlatformTLS::GetCurrentThreadId();
FString ThreadName = FThreadManager::Get().GetThreadName(ThreadId);

“The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The true dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.” ― Peter Drucker